German Maritime museum Wilhelmshaven – Museum expansion

von GROTE Ausstellungsgestaltung und Design / German Maritime museum Wilhelmshaven –  Museum expansion
Example scenario of a theme room for sea rescue (Operation "Sophia")
Stiftung Deutsches Marinemuseum
Working time:
Januar bis Juni 2019
Museumserweiterung und Außengelände
Project text:

Contemporary communications work and visitor services were at the core of the extension and new concept for the German Naval Museum in Wilhelmshaven, which was financed by federal funds. The master plan saw a new permanent exhibition as the focus of the new concept. This is to stretch from the museum rooms across the public space of the museum harbour and right up to the walk-in museum ships, currently four in number. A joint architecture and design competition will be organised to formulate an adequate solution for the overall ensemble.


Conception of scenarios and visualizations for indoor and outdoor areas, conception and implementation of a brochure as part of the expansion and redesign of the museum

Project by Iglhaut + von Grote
