The hour of the sailors – Kiel and the German Revolution 1918

A large red wedge, whose outer edges appear to be covered in rust, stretches all the way through Kiel’s Fish Market. It symbolises the revolutionary powers in society that heralded in the end of the monarchy in the German Empire. The exhibition in the listed historical building is dedicated to the Kiel sailors’ revolt in 1918 as a milestone on the way to German democracy. The demonstrating sailors and workers made a huge contribution towards a democratic new beginning in the Weimar Republic.
Only very few documents and original artefacts remain from the sailors’ uprising. As such, attractive scenographic elements designed specifically for this exhibition are used to communicate the historical contents, and they invite visitors to interact with them. In addition, every visitor is provided with a small booklet for the duration of the exhibition allowing them to take home this special part of German history. However, the concept not only included the consummate presentation of the historical contents and the attractive display of the original artefacts. In designing the exhibition spaces, great value was also placed on the sensitive treatment of the listed historical building, which was erected in 1909.
Concept, design and production management of the special exhibition (all HOAI phases): Exhibition design, graphics and lighting, design and production of exhibition media, media hardware planning, catalogue and printed matter, cost controlling, expenditure reports
Project by Iglhaut + von Grote