Samii Brain Museum

Teheran is to see the emergence of a brand-new museum as part of the Iran International Neuroscience Institute. It will be dedicated to the very current topic, the neurosciences. The museum, which was planned on the initiative of Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Madjid Samii, explores the different aspects of this still relatively young branch of science, whereby the life’s work of the initiator leads through this complex subject as a common thread. The aim is to provide laypeople with an understandable yet scientifically founded overview of the neurosciences and their history, in particular the area of brain research.
The initial rough concept for the museum’s narrative structure defines the content and dramaturgical approach to the material and positions the museum as an audience-oriented, popular science facility within an institute of cutting-edge research. In addition to the exhibition areas, building premises for the museum administration, a library and a café as well as event rooms and research laboratories are part of the plans.
Basic concept, preparation of a master plan, concept and design of the permanent exhibition
Project by Iglhaut + von Grote