Humboldt Forum

At the heart of the proposal for the new design of the Ethnological Museum and the Museum for East-Asian Art in Berlin’s planned Humboldt Forum was the development of dynamic forms of presentation. These correspond to the respective specific requirements of both museums and at the same time connect both institutions to make them an impressive overall experience. The basic idea behind the concept is to take the museum visitors on a journey through the cultures and continents of the world. The dynamic visuals created for the space place the objects at its centre, at the same time explaining their contexts and thus allowing for a repeated change of perspective. The designs were developed in collaboration with Jakob Tigges’s Mila architectural office in Berlin as part of a public bid for tenders by the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. The prize jury with its high-ranking judges awarded the agency 2nd place for both museums.
Europe-wide call for tenders, second competition phase for design of the permanent exhibition.
Project by Iglhaut + von Grote