House of Knowledge – What’s New in University Life at a Traditional Location

Georg August University in Göttingen has 30 academic collections of high scientific value and public interest. The planned Haus des Wissens there aims to preserve these objects for research and teaching purposes, and to make them available to the public. At the same time, the public should learn how knowledge comes about and this should fire their own enthusiasm for acquiring knowledge. The Haus is to be a place of interdisciplinary exchange where scientists and academics show how they work, thus making their activities more understandable to laypeople.
As part of the drawing up of a feasibility study, the collections were first of all inspected, target groups were defined, and different potential locations assessed. Besides this, the corresponding requirements and costs were evaluated. In an explanatory brochure, the results of this study were presented on all its aspects, including the architecture, contents, target groups, costs and relevant dates provide the prerequisites for obtaining the promotional funding required for project realisation.
Developing a basic concept, a master plan and sponsoring documents for putting on a permanent exhibition
Projekt von Iglhaut + von Grote